Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Okay, we'll know I really need to lose weight. When I was last at my internist's office, the nurse practitioner there referred me to this medical weight loss program. I was very excited. I think I just needed someone to point me in the right direction.
So.. lots of preparation, medical tests ect, later, I finally got started a week ago. It's very strict and structured, but I'm doing so well! That is part of what makes people successful on this diet, is the speed and amount of weight you lose. I have lost 16lbs in the first week. I'm sure it won't always be that fast, but it's a great motivator!
I've been giving away all kinds of food out of my house. I can barely eat anything and I figure a lot of what I have will be too old by the time I'm done. She says that in 14 months, I should be at my goal weight, 140 to 155lbs! Amazing. I haven't weighed that much since sometime in grade school. I still have food to give away if anybody wants some...canned goods, etc.
I'm planning on seeing this through to the end. And I'm so excited because I started thinking of some of the things I could do if I was at that weight. No limits! How exciting that would be. So it's a 60 week diet, with one week down and 59 to go!


  1. Good for you!! 16 pounds in one week...wow!

  2. Suzanne--I am so proud of you. My friend, Frank, just went to the weight loss program orientation. She said that somethere wal telling the group that she was on the diet and had done so well after a few that she decided to have a glass of wine at the golf tournament here a few weeks ago. She said that she got very sick. She felt that her poor choice was further testament to the fact that this is a serious diet that needs to be strictly adhered to. Suzanne, your progress and positve attitude is an inspiration to us all. Cecelia

  3. Yeah Suzanne, I'm so proud of you!

    If Scott is any example, your gonna do great with this!

    Want to know something SO frustrating? My husband and I have both had the flu for just over 3 weeks(me much more ill than him I might add) anyway...he keeps complaining how much weight he had lost and he was starting to annoy me and so I got a bit peeved and made him get on the scale in front of me. He had lost 21 lbs! Can you believe that! Skinny skinny Tony lost 21 lbs and I lost......5lbs, how unfair is that!

    Let me know if you still have left over food because we have a single mom with 3 kids in our ward that could use anything.

    Keep us posted and keep up the good work!

  4. This is great Suzanne. This is such an issue for me too. I almost wrote a blog on this a few weeks ago and again a few days ago and I still haven't written the blog. But I have thoughts!

    Good luck, and keep us posted!

  5. Thanks for all your support! I go to the doc tomorrow for official weigh in, we'll see what she says.
