Friday, February 1, 2008

Old Friend

Over 20 years ago, I met Deb Eberle. She was a traveling nurse working with me at Maricopa Medical Center when I was a new grad. We became pretty good friends. I was fascinated with how adventorous she was. She went on a very rough trip to Africa. Was almost arrested in Chad when their vehicle broke down in the middle of the desert. She traded a bar a soap for a hand made bow and arrow with some pygmy's.
She was the nurse at Glacier National Park one summer and washed tour buses on the side to make extra money. After the summer was over, she rode her bike from Glacier to Seattle and then all the way down the Pacific Coast and across to Phoenix. I was in awe of her.
When she left here she went on a medical mission to the Dominican Republic for 12 years. While she was there she met and married her husband and became Deb Maxwell. They adopted a 4 yr old boy from there and then at age 44, she became pregnant and she had Destiny.
I hadn't seen her in 22yrs, but we had exchanged Christmas Cards. I went to see here while in Florida. It's amazing how little she has changed after all these years! Fun to see her!

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