Monday, June 9, 2008


The first place Robin took us was to Heidelberg, to see the old town and castle. It was all very beautiful. There is a river through the middle of town with some lovely bridges over it. We took the cog railway up the hill to the castle. Robin had always walked up, she was getting some new experiences having us along with her!

It isn't so easy to tell in this photo, but this is the cog railway coming down to get us and it was very steep.

Here are several photos from Heidelberg castle.

This is Robin and I at Heidelberg Castle. Edith was taking the photo.

This is one of the giant wine kegs they had in the castle. They are famous for these. They had another one even bigger, but the photo is even darker. The bigger one had a platform on top and they would have dances there sometimes.

This is one of the "ruined" towers where they used to have the ammunition and all. It was ruined back during the 100 years war between the Catholics and protestants. Look at how unbelievably thick the walls are.

Neptune fountain.

View from Castle grounds. Is it green or what?

This is where we had lunch. We shopped for souvenirs and toured the church. It was a great day! And of course we had to check out the German bakeries!


  1. These are super pictures. It make me want to go even more. I love all the greenery and statues!

  2. Wow, some of those look the same as my childhood, great fun!

  3. Gosh Rachel, if you ever want to see ALL the photos let me know, you know I'm only putting a select few on!
    Make a plan and go! It can be done! You can make arrangements to leave the kids for a little while!
    I have to say, I am surpized at how many tourists I saw with little kids in tow. Especially on the cruise ship!
