Wednesday, July 16, 2008

20 years ago.....

Well Lezlee, thanks for tagging me on this, I think it will be fun! I was wondering what to write on my blog today. I still have a few vacation sites left to post....but on to something different for once.
I checked in my old journals so it is pretty accurate.

20 years ago..
1. I was in the Cheery Lynn Singles Ward. Lots and lots of fun activities, in love several times, but mostly one sided. Lots of emotional ups and downs, but a good time in my life.
2. I worked at Maricopa County Home Health. I enjoyed the work and my friendship with Lynn Hausmann, my coworker.
3. I had been in my condo 2 years already, lived alone, pretty poor.
4. Already had my BSN.
5. Lost 70lbs on the Biodyne program.

10 years ago..
1. I was struggling as a brand new manager at LHS Home and Community Care. It was very rough in the beginning and for a long time after.
2. In love with Geoff, hmm not a lot changes in 10 years.
3. I was in the primary presidency for the first time.
4. More emotional ups and downs, the cost of romance.

5 years ago
1.Have hit my stride as a manager at what is now Banner Home Care. Doing well at work.
2.My knee issues started.
3. I was a ward missionary.
4. Emotional ups and downs over work more than over romantic life and lack thereof.

1 year ago
1. Working in a "dream job" that I designed myself, a lot of autonomy and a lot of satisfaction.
2. Feel very emotionally stable. Life is good. More grown up I guess. Comfortable with who I am.
3. Preparing to go on Alaskan Cruise in September and planning ahead for Europe in late spring.
4. Secrtary in primary for past 4 years or so.

1. Got set up on my home computer to be able to work from home. Yee haw! How cool is that!
2. Bought a beautiful pair of earrings from a coworker who is Zuni and designs jewelry because I want to be nice and didn't know how to say no when he had walked over from his building and brought them all especially to show me.
3. Had a nice dinner with my friends, Penny and Cecelia. Concerned about Cecelia and things going on with her.
4. Bought a new datebook for fall 2008 and 2009 because I am calender obsessed and love to look at my appointments and life all in order.
5. Enjoyed not turning the tv on and just reading an Oprah magazine. Last months, I am behind.
6. Am only 5 lbs away from losing 100lbs.

1. Starting work from home today! Yeah!
2. Meeting my friend Michelle Dahl for lunch. Haven't seen her in quite a while.
3. Have meetings at Del Webb Hospital regarding pending merger of our facilities and working together.
4. Picking up ceramic piece I "won" in silent auction at the West Valley Art Museum.
Why did I do that?
5. Practicing song for Sunday at Cynthia's.

1. More meetings in West Valley, this time at Boswell
2. Really need to get a lot done in the office.
3. Maybe do some Relief Society visits, maybe watch So You Think You Can Dance.

Next Year
1. Keep working hard at my job, increase my value to the organization and prove my worth. Take some Disaster planning classes and be involved in some other committees across the organization. Make myself more valuable off the phones than on.
2. Get more of my debts paid off that I racked up the last year with my traveling.
3. Be at my goal weight and maintain it!!!!


  1. Sounds terrific! Glad to see some more info., your goals sound great and noble, best to your future

  2. Good luck with your goals for the next year Suzanne! You've accomplished a lot in the past 20 years!

  3. 100 lbs! Go you! How long's it taken to get to that point?

    And I started doing this little meme myself... interesting to see how I've changed (or not) in 20 years. :)

