Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Burg Eltz and Cochem

THIS is my favorite castle that we toured in Germany. It's called Burg Eltz. It's in the middle of what is now nowhere by itself. It has been in the same family since the 1100's. Can you imagine that? And they always managed to be on the right side of any conflict and so it was never destroyed. It started out as 3 homes for 3 brothers and then over the years they were all connected. It's amazing inside, all original furnishings and decor. And I would be totally lost with all the levels twisting and turnings. I REALLY liked it.

This green valley is what is all around the Castle. It's up in the hills and then has a green valley with a river all around the base. It has a very storybook look to the whole thing. We had lunch there too. And this is a photo of Robin and her husband Dave at our lunch there. They really made our wonderful trip possible, taking us around and letting us stay with them. I tell you, hang on to those friendships with college roommates!

That afternoon we went to Cochem. The castle in Cochem was rebuilt on a site that had been an old castle ruin. It was built by a Jewish Frenchman in the late 1800's. While cool, it just didn't compare for me after seeing the real deal that morning in Burg Eltz. It did have beautiful views of the Mauser river valley though. The Nazi's took the castle from his family during their era and now it is owned by the city of Cochem. If you rub the mermaid chandelier on her tummy, you are supposed to get your wish. I did, but mine hasn't come true yet! Beautiful Ceilings. Mauser river valley views!


  1. Gorgeous! It really does have a storybook look to it. That really was great of Robin and her husband to be able to go to so many places with you.

  2. Wow, I remember the mermaid! All these years and I never really thought about her! I'm glad you had such a wonderful rich experience, nice memories to last a lifetime!
