Sunday, October 5, 2008

Latest Crochet Projects

Ok, General Conference is a good time to work on some crochet while I am listening! I am making some different fleece and crochet throws for some gifts and thought I would post some photos. The brown and polka dot one, I made two of. One for some friends who just got married and the other is a birthday gift for a friend. The purple one was meant to be girly and princessy and is for my niece.

Those are her initials in sequins no less! They ironed on really nicely though.


  1. I can't believe how fast you can whip those together. I love them.
    I sat at the table and did some painting. It helps me listen to have my hands busy. Otherwise, my couch gets a little too comfy.

  2. Great! The polka dots look fun! I am sure your niece will be sooooo pleased! So those are your white chairs!
