Monday, October 27, 2008

What's up with the canning?

I went to 2 little canning classes we had in the ward a little while ago. I hadn't really planned on canning, I was just trying to be supportive. Well, suddenly, I'm canning like crazy. And the funny part of it is that, at least for now, I can't eat most of it. It should be good for a year, so I will be off my diet and able to eat it, but for now, it's mostly just getting stored away.

It started with wanting to make jam for Christmas gifts. And then I got such a feeling of satisfaction from doing it, that I just started doing more and more. And then I started talking to my friends Michelle and Juanita, and I got even more ideas. It kind of cracks me up. You would think I had some kind of large family to feed and as it is I'm barely feeding myself on this diet.

I'm starting to run out of room to put what I've made.

Let's see, here is what I've made:

Plum Jam

Peach Jam
Corn Relish


Pinto Beans


Carrot Cake Jam

Apple Pie Jam

Apple Butter

Pears halves

Grapefruit sections

I still have several things I want to try. I want to make pickles and dilled green beans. Maybe some other main dishes. I have been trying to watch the ads on Wednesday, by what is on sale and can it. I still have several different kinds of dried beans to can.
Between my crocheting, crafting and canning, you would think I was some kind of stay at home mom, instead of a never married, single career woman!
I'm weird I know!


  1. Not weird, just plan exciting and interesting! Great job!

  2. Yowza! That's alot of canning! Now I know were to go for Jam during a disaster!

    Good for you!
