Sunday, November 9, 2008


I have now met my own personal goal for when I started my diet program!! I am so excited. And now I feel like I can reach the goal the doctor has set for me.

I wanted to post some before and after photos, but I don't seem to be able to figure out the scan part of my printer. I'll see if I can get it figured out! Meanwhile, I have lost 137lbs so far!!

A friend said I should put up, "does anyone know this person?" It has been kind of fun. Some folks I don't see very often haven't recognized me lately. I only have about 55lbs to go to reach my Dr.'s goal. I'm hoping to be there by the end of February. And I get to take a break over Christmas and Birthday!

It just doesn't get any better than that!


  1. AWESOME! So inspiring Suzanne. If not for you, I'm not sure I would have had the courage to do this diet!

  2. You look fantastic! Seriously, you are so amazing and I'm so happy for you. Thanks for being the such a great example!

  3. Hey Super Woman! Congrats again and again!
