Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Phoenix Mountain Preserve

Cynthia and I have been going on some hikes through the Phoenix Mountain Preserve lately. She is able to go a lot more often than I and has developed some pretty good stamina and endurance. I usually can go once a week. It's been delightful though. Neither of us had ever really taken advantage of this great resource before and weren't aware of all that was available to us, so close! There are well maintained trails, lots of them. There are beautiful views of the city and mountains. And sometimes you can get around a corner or over a hill and not even know there is a city in the vicinity. It's pretty cool and I feel grateful to my city for preserving these areas for us. I think they really are a treasure and am glad to have finally "discovered" them!


  1. Visit my blog: http//

    Very cool your blog!!!

  2. Mountains, scenery, it's all great! Glad you two are enjoying it!

  3. Lookout mountain was a nice walk. It's fun to visit while we walk too. Let me know where you go out this weekend. I think our whole family is going to go out for a walk tomorrow afternoon after we eat. Have fun.
