Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chihully at the Desert Botanical Gardens

In December the Desert Botanical Garden does Noches dos lumanarios. That by itself is very cool. They have many of the paths lined with lumanarios, lit by lots of volunteers. Throughout the gardens they have different musical artists playing and singing. It's all very nice. You can even choose to buy dinner there if you want.

This year is even more special though. The famous glass artist, Chihully, has done an installation throughout the garden. His pieces are fantastic. The glass will be there through May, but it is only now that they have them illuminated at night. I bought a ticket to see them during the day also, because I thought I wouldn't be able to see them very well at night. Boy was I wrong! Not only are the fabulously lit, but they are so dramatic and vibrant at night!
Cindy went with me and we had a delightful evening. It was a mild night, full moon and a beautiful place. Enjoy the photos! And make plans to go see the glass yourself. You won't regret it.
(Only the last one is lit from inside. It's neon tubes. The rest are lit with spotlights, even though they look like they are glowing. cool.)


  1. I've seen some of his works, it looks really cool with all the cacti!

  2. I definitely want to see if I can get to this. Very cool.
