Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random posting

I haven't done very well keeping current postings up lately. Here is what I've been doing:
1. Reading! I like to read and I accepted the historical fiction reading challenge on Good Reads. I had to read 3 historical fiction books that take place prior to WWII by the end of March. I also need to read my book club selections. So I'm spending a little more time getting my reading done. I am enjoying it though. I've read 2 of my 3 books for the challenge. I have book club tomorrow and am just finishing the book club book tonight.
2. Church Work! As enrichment counselor in relief society, I've had a lot going on the last little while. We have a big service project going on and several classes and events related to that. It's keeping me pretty busy and will continue to do so for a while.
3. Working! I've started my new evening work schedule. I'm working 2pm to midnight. Because I'm working on the far west side, I have to get ready for work and leave significantly earlier than I used to. I seem to just have way less time on work days than I used to.
4. Canning! I seem to not be able to stop canning. I enjoy trying out the different recipes and seeing all the jars that I've filled add up. I've done meat, dill pickles, pickled beets, pickeled asparagus and pickeled green beans, lemon marmalade, blood orange marmalade, lemon honey jelly, etc. I can't eat most of it, but I do it anyway.
5. I'm getting my nasty carpet torn out of my bedrooms this week and am working trying to clear the rooms out so they can get in there. My place is so small, it's difficult to have anyplace to move things to. It will be so nice having the pergo throughout now. I can hardly wait.
6. Hiking- I don't get in as much as I would like, but I try as often as I can. I go with my friend, Cindy usually.
7. Dr's appt's- For a healthy person, I seem to have an awful lot of Dr.'s appt's. I go to the diet dr. every 2 weeks. I see my PCP monthly. I just went to the eye dr. and the GI to get the 50 year old colonoscopy done. Then there are dentists, endocrinologists, etc. But I"m actually in great shape! Almost at diet goal. I can hardly wait.
8. TV- I get a little tv watching fit in here and there. Two of my favorite shows just restarted, Survivor and the Amazing Race. I usually am crocheting while that is going on.
9. Social engagements- I have the occasional dinner, lunch or other engagement.

It's all good, but I don't seem to get to my blog very often. I will try to do better. I'm thinking I might have some interesting stories now that I am hanging out in emergency rooms so much!


  1. Glad to hear it worked out with the pergo! Where did you get the blood oranges? I love blood oranges!

  2. sounds like you are well rounded :)

  3. You need to change you photo on your blogger profile. Good grief, yesterday I was amazed at how thin you looked. Even thinner than the week before when I thought you looked very thin. Good for you! I am looking forward to starting the diet again soon. We have to figure out a time we can go to lunch now that I'm mobile. But as busy as you are it might be tricky?! Maybe you can do it on a day you work if it's early enough? Good luck with your new schedule Suzanne.

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