Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Heart Walk

I have always heard of all this charitable walks or runs for various good causes and have never participated in one. Banner Health helps sponsor several of them and we even have had teams from my department. The last one was for Breast Cancer, in the fall, and I would have done that one, but it was on Sunday. So, there was finally one that was on a Saturday and since I had lost weight and felt able, I thought I would try and see what the experience was all about. I also felt a connection to the cause as my Father died of a heart disease.
I thought I would raise more money than I did. I was a little surprised by that. I did raise 150$, but 50$ of that was mine! Thank you to those who donated for me, I appreciate it and I felt a responsibility to you as I was walking. There was one point where people were taking a short cut. Penny asked if I wanted to and I said no, people gave money to support me doing this and I am going to do it right!
So I thought I was going to walk with my friend Penny and people from my department. There were a lot of people there! Lots of different health care groups, especially, and some representing families of someone with a heart disease.
So this is Penny, Victoria and Kim and the other picture has me in it and Penny taking the photo. I was surprised by all the food that was there. Of course I couldn't eat any, but some people were gathering bags of stuff for later I guess. I think it was mostly meant to be breakfast. As we were at the start, there were lots of people there not only with there kids, but with their pets. And some of them brought unusual pets.
I don't think I would bring an African Grey Parrot to such an event. There were so many people there, I think it would be somewhat stressful for him.
There were lots of dogs, from the tiniest Chihuahua to a Great Dane. And lots and lots of people. Thanks to the hiking and walking I do with Cindy, it wasn't a hard thing to do at all. We went across the Mill Avenue bridge, down the other side of the Tempe Town Lake, back across the Rural bridge and up the other side. It was 5K or 3.1 miles. Very shortly after we started, it became evident that Kim and Victoria wanted to power walk and Penny and I were quickly left to our devices. It was fun and interesting to see all the people. The view mostly looked like this.
The lady with the pink sweatshirt around her waist is Penny. Along the way were various groups to cheer lead us. And then finally the finish line. Afterwards, we rewarded ourselves for our virtue by going out to lunch and getting a pedicure!


  1. Wow! You look amazing! and way to go for you! That is so exciting!

  2. YAY! I wish I could have done that with you. What a fun day.
    A parrot? That's weird.
    And I agree - you look amazing!

  3. Good for you Suzanne. I feel bad because I meant to donate to this when I got your email, and then just totally neglected to actually DO it.

  4. Sounds like a good job! Sorry about the money situation occuring in our household at the same time or I certainly would have donated.
