Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Horse Back Riding!

Ok, one of the things I really wanted to do when I lost wieght was go horse back riding. I had a horse through high school and loved riding. I have ridden a few times since, but not a lot. Then I decided I was too fat and shouldn't ride.
So now that I have met goal, I had to go riding! I was excited to go to my sister's in Idaho, because they have horses and I was going to get to go riding. I rode twice. The horse I rode was my brother-in -law's. He was a great horse! All I had to do was lean a little in any direction and he knew what I wanted and was doing it. I wanted to bring him home. This is photo of Rusty. My neice, Keegan rode him on our first ride.

This is Apache. He is a pony. My sister's nephew, Dylan, rode him on our second ride. All of their horse's are really nice.

This is Shadow before I saddled him. He is a very pretty horse. This is me on Shadow. I even got on by myself, both times! I was really afraid I woudn't be able to.

This is my neice, Keegan on Rusty. She did great until later in the ride. Rusty got tangled in some wire and bucked. She wasn't expecting it and got bucked off. This is Amy, my sister's stepdaughter. She was schooling this horse for someone else. The horse was called "Blondie".

This is the view from Shadow's back. That is Amy's Jack Russell Terrier.

This is the view of where we started riding. We got higher, into some trees later.

We crossed water a few times. Much to the dogs delight.

Talking on the cell phone while riding! That is Amy's son Aaron. He is the same age as my neice Keegan.

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