Friday, August 14, 2009

A day in the Kitchen

I had a hernia repair last week and so have been somewhat out of comission the last little while. Today I felt somewhat normal and thought I would tackle making some nice homemade food. So I picked up my latest edition of Food Everyday and picked out 3 recipes, Eggplant Parmigian, Bulgur Salad and Plum cake. It may sound a little odd, but I already had some of the ingredients for those things and wanted to use them. They also all sounded good to me.

I went to the store and got a few other things I needed and come home to start cooking. I got started around 11 am. I was thinking I was making lunch. Well, just so you know, Eggplant parmigian is a rather involved process. I don't believe I've ever made it before. And I had to soften the butter for the cake and then the bulgur needed to soak for 30 minutes. It was all a lot more involved than I had planned. Especially for my first real foray back into the kitchen.

So I finally ate lunch around 2pm! It was very good though. Here are some photos of the results.