Friday, August 28, 2009

It's All About Me!

Okay, this is rather narcissistic, but I finally got my "after" photos done! So here are my 2 befores.
It would be fun to find out which 2 of the afters folks like best so I can decide which ones to post on facebook, etc.
My photographer was expensive, but she did a good job! I felt like a model!


  1. Suzanne! You look insanely amazing! seriously WOW! Those photos are incredible! You're HOT stuff lady! I love them all... I really like the one you have as your profile pic on here... beautiful!

  2. I loved all these photos when I first saw them. You really did have a great photographer. I like the one you chose for your blog profile too, but I think #9 from the top would be a good one for facebook too.
    You really really do look amazing.

  3. You look absolutely wonderful Suzanne! Way to go!!

  4. Suzanne your should be proud of yourself ! What determination !
    I am an SU friend of your mother.
    All the photos are great because you look great.

  5. Oh, Suzanne, I really like all of them! I think my very most favorite is of you looking down, arms folded (the more serious one) - I also really like the one inside where you are looking out the window - and the one where you are looking at an angle with the building in the background and your leg is sort of up on the wood post (does that even make sense?) I should go back and get their numbers or something. Also the very first one is really great too. But how fun! They're all awesome!

  6. Wow! Tough choice! Looks like you got quite a few wonderful comments so I'll just say "ditto". Where were the photos taken? Have fun!

  7. Oh my heavens you look fabulous!!!! What an inspiration. Congrats! Those pictures are wonderful.

  8. Thank you everybody! It has been quite fun. They were taken at Scorpion Flats, at the entrance to South Mountain Park.
