Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Arboretum at the University of Minnesota

When I was in Minnesota the last few days, Kelly took me to the Arboretum. There were some beautiful flowers, like these morning glories.

And there were dahlias. And very picturesque farm houses in the distance!

There was a hedge maze and sea monsters in the pond.

A maple tree that was turning beautiful colors a little earlier than the rest.
And some really nice flower beds with lots of play on color and scent.

Look at all the shades of blue and purple in these beds.

It was a huge place, with a lot of naturalistic plantings. I think it would be a really nice place to go for some hikes or walks in. Apparently a lot of people snow shoe and cross country ski there in the winter. I'm not sure I would be up to that, but it was fun and thoughtful of Kelly to take me there.


  1. Beautiful! I love morning glorys! looks like a really nice and fun place!

  2. The arboretum is one of my favorite places to go in Minneapolis. Well, near Minneapolis. My sister lives just 3 miles from there and we go a lot when we visit.
