Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rogue River Jet Boat

Jet boats! Doesn't that just sound fun? I went on one with a big fan in the back when I was in Florida last year. When I heard about these, I wanted to go. Susan wasn't too enthused, but even she had a good time.
Here we are at the beginning, waiting in line.

And this is what the boats looked like. They put about 50 people a boat and there were 4 boats that went.

This is what the river looks like in the beginning while we are still in Grants Pass. There were also a lot of gorgeous homes on the shores. We went slow when we were in town.
And this was a salmon swimming by.

Can you see the bald eagle in this tree? It looks better if you make the picture bigger.

This is what it looks like when the boats go fast. They also periodically spin in a 360 for the thrills and to get you all wet.

Here was an Osprey.

And we saw lots of Osprey nests.

We went all the way up to Hellsgate. This is where they did the shot of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid jumping off the cliff. They also shot the movie "The River Wild" with Kevin Bacon here. It was pretty, but a relatively short section of the river.

This is where they fed us dinner. They called it the OK corral and it was very nice. We had a great time although pretty windblown and wet by the time we got back!

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