Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ferry Point House

Well! Cynthia and I just got back from a glorious trip to New England for the fall and hiking. There will be many posts to follow. First, I want to thank Dave and the kids for loaning Cindy to me for the week!
The one place that we were in the longest was our B and B, Ferry Point House in New Hampshire. I had stayed there about 20 years before with my friend Michelle. It was the highlight of the places we stayed then and they are still a wonderful place.
Cindy and I stayed there 3 nights. This plate of hot spiced apple cider and fresh baked cookies on the front porch is how they welcomed us! We had been at the King Arthur Baking Center during the day and arrived with bags full of fresh baked flat breads. We stopped at a grocery store and got fruit, cheese and chicken salad. We had a wonderful picnic supper on the 60ft. front porch. Ferry Point House used to belong to the Pillsbury family. The family who owns it now has done very extensive restoration work. It is both beautiful and comfortable.

This is on our way to Ferry Point House. We had not had anyone take a photo of us together yet. We finally asked some poor lady who was eating her ice cream cone. She was willing to leave it to take this for us! These gazebos were in most of the public squares of any small town we went through.

This is a photo I took out of our bedroom window at dawn one morning. Ferry Point house is located right on Winnisquam lake. They have a little point with their own beach, gazebo and adirondack chairs.

This is slightly later and you can appreciate the beautiful red tree.

Here is a photo of the fabulous porch.

This is where we had dinner and the view we enjoyed.

Here is the house the upper right hand window is open. That is right next to my bed and I kept it open as much as possible!

Here is the gazebo at the lake and some of the chairs.

Cindy and I at the Flume. We found someone else to take a photo of us together.

Here is the dining room where they served us breakfast. We met several really nice people. One lady who lived in LA, grew up right where we live and attended Camelback HS and Rose Lane Elementary! We also met a couple from Mesa. We met two young couples, one from Ireland and one from Austrailia. The Australian couple had been in South Africa and were on their way to South America. This was just a stop on their way! They were on a 5 month trip! Talk about being jealous!

Here is an example of some of the food they served. There was always a plate of sweet breads. They had a fruit course and a main course.

This is the mantle place in the breakfast room.

The frittata they served one day.

A view across the lake of some of the lovely trees.

Full moon rise on Lake Winnisquam.


  1. Okay, I tried real hard not to be, but now I am officially JEALOUS!

  2. These pictures are fabulous. What a grand time you must have enjoyed! You look great too!

  3. Oh . . . looking at those pictures, I want to go back. That was a FANTASTIC Bed and Breakfast. I can't even imagine a place that we could have been treated better.

  4. It makes me want to go back too! And Dana, I can't seem to leave a comment on your blog, I don't know why. But I am reading it and following it!

  5. I still have fond memories of our trip to the Ferry Point House. I'm jealous you got to return. What a fun trip.
