Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I see dead peole

Cindy and I were fascinated by the old cemetaries we saw. There seemed to be an awful lot of them. People have lived there so much longer than out west and there were some interesting and old headstones. We finally stopped at one to take some photos. These are actually two different cemetaries.

There were some prettier ones but we didn't stop to get photos.
We saw so many that we started saying, Look more dead people!


  1. I love all the photos Suzanne. I also love old cemeteries - that's one of my favorite things to do in Scotland, is drag around an old cemetery with my camera! And I love all the leaves in the photos. Fall is my most missed season. The only thing that makes me a lot less sad about it is that it signals that winter is around the corner and I DON'T miss that at all!

  2. Old cemetaries can be fun and interesting! One can really make your imagination flow!

  3. I have looked all over for your email but can't find it so I will post this on your blog in hopes that you will read it.

    Grace and I have had a combination of swine flu and pneumonia this last week. We have been pretty much dead to the outside world. Can you guess what we have done ALL week? Grace insisted with all the energy she could muster, that we watch The Wizard of Oz now here we are a week later and we have seen the entire movie start to finish no less than 18 times! She loves it as much as I did at that aged and she would even go get her ruby slippers to put them on when Dorothy gets them on. It was hilarious and I thought about you often. :) Glad to see you are doing well.

    LOVE YOU!!
    Emily & Grace
