Thursday, October 22, 2009

The North Shore

When I was in Minnesota this past weekend, Kelly took me to Duluth and the North Shore of Lake Superior. In Duluth we toured Glensheen that was once the home of the Congdon family.
This is the old carriage house and barn. It is now the visitors center and gift shop.

You can see some of the main house through the pretty fall trees.

Here is a view of Lake Superior from the grounds.
And there was this pretty arched bridge on the grounds.

And here is my guy, Kelly at Glensheen! He's pretty cute too!

Some nice fall leaves.

After Glensheen, we drove farther North along the North Shore. It's very rocky and the water averages 40 degrees!

This is me on the North Shore. I am amazed that with my thin Arizona blood, that I made with just a sweater and a scarf pretty much.

More North Shore.

Then we arrived at Gooseberry Falls. There are about 3 levels of falls.

It was a nice day!


  1. Is that last picture Kelly's car? cool!
    Looks like you had a great day. It's beautiful.

  2. Beautiful scenery, Kellie looks nice too! Love all the colors!
