Thursday, December 31, 2009

Birthday Dinner Friends

I had a great dinner with friends for my birthday. Thank you for coming to keep me company and celbrating with me!
Kathy, Peggy and Aimee from my Banner Home Care days. Peggy looking fabulous with her chemo hair do!

Helle and Lynnora. Helle works for the Banner Alzheimer's Institute and is my book club. Lynnora and I work together on nights.

The wonderful Mark and Cecelia. Mark was a warrior and the only male at the gathering! Cecelia and I worked together years and years ago at Signature Home Care.

My dear friend of many years, Sue. Know her from church but she works for Banner Rehab institute too.

My "other" friend Sue and I. Sue and I worked together at Banner Home Care and now again at Banner Outreach. She works days. We also went to Italy together. (Do you want me in this picture?)

Part of the group.

Sue, Cindy and Helle. I've known Cindy from Church for about 30 years or so. She and I went to New England this fall and she is my hiking buddy.
We had a great meal at The Rock Springs Cafe in Black Canyon City. Thank you all for taking the time to drive up there and celebrate the evening with me!


  1. still wish I could have come, surprised not to see Penny & dave Hale!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday!
