Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fiesta Bowl Parade 2010

Had a fun time at the Fiesta Bowl Parade today. It's like a nice street party! And the weather is delightful to just be outside.
Here is my Uncle Ron and Aunt Rejeana who just moved to Arizona from Oklahoma in September. It's fun having them in the state.

And this is my friend Laurette and her granddaughter Ella.

Here is a better photo of the cute Ella.

Waiting for the parade to start...

Here I am with Uncle Ron and Aunt Rejeana.

And the Curriers came and joined us too: Kelly, Dan and Noah.

I have been to the parade so many times that I don't take a lot of parade photos, but some of this are fun. Here is a guy in a pimp hat trying to sell his stuff. He looks like he has an attitude!

The Marine corp honor guard. My dad was a Marine.

Some of the folklorico dancers.

And for my friends and family in Idaho, here is the Boise State Cheerleaders.

And Marching band.

And of course who doesn't love the Budweiser Clydesdales!


  1. it certainly was a nice day for the parade! looks like great fun!

  2. How fun that your aunt and uncle have moved to Arizona! Do they live in Phoenix?
