Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Views to Gallup and Back

So this morning, I flew on a small chartered plane to Gallup, New Mexico. We were supposed to be doing a half day Pediatric conference. Due to unforseen circumstances, I only ended up with one physician speaker. Thank goodness for him!
We flew over some beautiful snowy mountains on the way there. It was snowing big fat flakes when we got to Gallup. It's much higher in elevation than Phoenix is. I didn't warn my doc that it would be cold. It was 31 degrees when we landed in Gallup. At least he had a suit coat on!

This is my doc.

And this is our pilot.

On the way back, I got some photos of the the green grassy desert mountains and full lakes.

Pretty Canyons

And Weaver's Needle in the superstitions. For some reason a little washed out!


  1. Your "nurse" job is not the usual "nurse" job that's for sure!

  2. Well, look at you . . . flying all over the southwest. (Did you rack up any frequent flyer miles?)
    I hope it ended up going well for you with only one speaker.

  3. Great pics & views, hope you didn't get air sick on "the little puddle jumper"! Life's interesting
