Monday, April 26, 2010

AIA Home Tour First House

Once a year, I go on the Architects Institute of America, Arizona chapter, home tour. I enjoy it very much! Each house is very unique and nothing like the tract housing. Most are probably very pricey, but when else do I get to stroll through and gawk at such homes! There was 11 homes on the tour and we didn't get to make it to all of them. Part of the problem was some really messed up maps on the tickets. That made me pretty darn grouchy. I'm usually pretty good with maps and it messed my head up.
We persevered though and saw 7 of the 11. It would be a pretty long post if I put all in one some I'm going to break it up into pieces. I won't need 7 posts, because I didn't take as many photos at each house. But I did like the first house and have quite a few photos!

So this was a remodel of an Arcadia neighborhood ranch style home. It had a very big lot. There was lots of light which I like and clever use of some simpler materials. This is how the outside entrance looked. Lots of floor to ceiling windows throughout the house. And lots of windows up near the ceiling that didn't have any kind of covering that let a lot of light in.
I also like the grouped plantings. Besides the grasses and agaves here, there was a nice little forest of Palo Brea trees. They will be amazing when they get big and they have lighting on them.

This is the main formal living room. See the little blue panels of glass on the windows across the hall, above the entry way? Aren't they interesting?
And look at how the rock around the fireplace looks like basket weave! I loved that. And it was stone. The floors were very glossy polished concrete.

You know I guess I really love bathroom fixtures, because I have a lot of photos of them! I LOVE this tub! It was on a beautiful stone floor and that great unpainted cinder block wall behind it. Floor to ceiling window into the backyard. What a great place to soak and relax. I am into recreational bathing!

This is the sink area in the master bath where the tub was. They used a lot of the glass tile in this house. It is so beautiful. These are small, shades of gold ones. And lots of fun sinks. I love how the fixtures come out of the wall instead of the counter. Cleaner too.

This is in the master bedroom. Curtain panels for the lower windows, but the upper windows go all the way around the outside walls of the house with no covering. Nice.

Another bathroom. Brown glass tile and nice sink.

Isn't this a fun sink?

Grey glass tile and a fun sink.

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