Thursday, April 29, 2010

AIA Home Tour Last Entry

Ok, I imagine you guys are getting tired of looking at these houses. This is the last one. It was a pretty cool house, but I think the landscaping in the backyard put me off a bit. I would have done some things a lot differently.
It was mostly grey, cement block and glass, with some strategic use of bright color.
We had to take our shoes off in most of the houses. This was the entry way with scattered shoes.

This was the sail cloth covered walkway, out the back to the guest house. Notice the children's play equipment, way out in the back in the middle of the sun and rocks?

This bright orange sliding barn door covered the pantry.

This was a view across the kitchen to the bright green wall in the family room. The kitchen was double volume up to the second floor. All glass window into the back yard. Exposed concrete block and warm wooden cabinets. Cool light fixtures.

Nice water feature into the pool.

The stairs were interesting. I'm not sure, but I think they were bamboo.

The master suite had this small private balcony with billowing white curtains. Made me think of the middle east.

View from the upper balcony way down to the kitchen.

Bright yellow kitchen wall in guest house.

View of back of the house from guest house.

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