Monday, June 14, 2010

Dogs of Idaho and one from Utah

I love dogs! And so does the rest of my family. Here are the 4 legged family members in Idaho. First is Beau the wonder dog. He is really smart and adorably cute. He is part Corgi and part heeler. I loves to with you in the car. If he isn't invited to come, he will sneak in the car and hide until you are well down the road and can't take him back. Then he will present himself. He is a really fun dog. Here he is with my nephew, Daniel.

Then there is Baxter the Chocolate Lab. He orignially belonged to another nephew who lives in Boise. They didn't think he ws happy living in the city and so gave hm to my sister and her family. He is about 100lbs of solid muscle. He can run for miles. He is very fit. He ADORES water. Whenever he sees it, he just throws himself in it and rolls around on his back. He liked me a lot. Here he is ready to drive the van.
This is my mom's new pug, Zack. He is really a cutie and has a very sweet and loving personality. He has only been in the family about 2 or 3 weeks and is fitting in great.

Here is Baxter with his head on my knee, looking at me adoringly.

This is my friend, Dana's dog, Lucy. Is she not an adorable little Yorkie? She is a Utah Dog.

I saw this cutie at a barrel racing event we were at. She is part Shih Tzu and part pomerian.

Here is my big boy, Baxter.

This is my neice, Keegan's dog, Chiara. She was taking a nap on Keegan's boots. She is part of a lot of breeds. Part Heeler, part Catahoula hound, part hanging tree heeler (or something like that). She is only 4 months old and still a little unsure of herself. They think she will get to be close to as tall as Baxter, but maybe not as thick.

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