Saturday, September 25, 2010

Aravaipa Fall? Hike

Today was the day that Cindy and I took a group with us up Aravaipa Canyon. I was afraid it would be too hot. I was afraid there wouldn't be much water. We had gone in April the last two times. I didn't need to be afraid. The weather was perfect. There was plenty of water. We had a great time. Here is the group at the beginning, minus me the photographer. No they aren't pointing at anything, they are just being silly.

Here is Jet, Beth's husband, enjoying the water. He would just plop in the water when ever he was hot.
Penny, Melanie and Cindy take a break.

Penny and I sitting on a log.

We saw creatures great and small. It was really cool. The first thing we saw was a coatamundi. It was too fast to get a photo. I also did not get a photo of the green snake or javelina. Again they were too quick. But these tent caterpillars couldn't get away!

And Melanie enjoyed having a butterfly visit on her finger.

Pretty scenery.

An alligator masquerading as a log bites Beth's foot.

Dave found a wild rose for Cindy to where behind her ear.

Melanie, Cindy and Penny at our turn around point.

A little frog in Jet's palm.

Melanie and her bedazzled headband. Isn't she beautiful?

This centipede was pretty serious looking. Jet found him stranded on a rock in the middle of the stream. He got him on the stick and rescued him. I"m glad I didn't have to really get near him. He was huge.

A bigger frog.

Melanie's hiking stick.