Saturday, November 6, 2010

15.5 miles down Central, Why?

Today I walked from South Mountain to North Mountain down Central. Some people think I am nuts. And they may be right. This is the second time I have done this. The first time was in January. It's 15.5 miles. It's flat and easy, mostly sidewalk and bridle path. I was the slowest of our group of four.
I have heard several people completely puzzled by this. Why do something like that? It's not hard, but very long. At the end of the day, my body was very sore, but no blisters or other injuries. Some of the others didn't fare as well.
Some of the reasons are: bragging rights to say I walked from one end of the valley to the other. It's interesting sight seeing along the way, seeing everything you always drive past. But the biggest reason for me, I think, is because I can.
I have lost a LOT of weight over the last couple of years. I didn't used to be able to do a lot of physical things. I couldn't walk very far or stand very long without my legs going numb and breaking out in a sweat. All the weight put a lot of pressure on the nerves in my lower back. I was incapable of doing much in the form of exercise. Certainly nothing close to this. As I lost weight, my desire to do things increased and my energy level did too. I am still not Miss Athlete. I don't walk super fast and I get tired and worn out. But I enjoy what I do and am still amazed and so grateful that I CAN.
So there you go.


  1. It is such a pleasant walk. You really do see things that you never even notice in the car. It was a long day, but a very pleasant one. I'm a bit tired right now, but I don't think I'll be too sore. Thanks for planning this.

  2. Good job!Wishing you the best!

  3. Way to go! Sounds like fun to me...

  4. What time did you start this morning? How long did it take? I love this idea, and think I might steal it.

    Suzanne, I need to "get in" on some of your adventures! How do I do that ;)

    WTG- I am so proud and impressed by you both

  5. Yes, how long did it take? I love to walk Central...although I only walk a couple of miles :)

  6. Mamie, I sent you a message on Facebook. Love to have you along anytime.
    It was 6 hours and 15 minutes of walking. 1 hour for lunch. Not too many or too long rest breaks.
