Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getty Villa HIghlights

 One of the things that Geoff and I did when we went to California was go to the Getty Villa. I have been to the Getty Museum several times, but never to the Getty Villa. It's in Malibu, and is in a beautiful setting where it looks over the ocean.
J. Paul Getty built it to show off his Meditteranean collection of art. It is all figurines, statues, mosaics, sculpture, no paintings.
What is amazing to me, is how old a lot of the pieces are and what good shape they are in. A lot of them are from anywhere to 500 BC to 500 AD.
I thought this guy was just fun. He was part of a group of small figures called comic actors.
This guy reminds me of someone I know!

 This lady is lfe size. And if you look at her, you see she has bird feet and a tail!
 Leda and the Swan.

Hercules. You can see he is holding a lion skin and a big club.

 This is a drawing of womeone defeating a Hydra!
 Small lion figurine

 This is a trophy they would give out for a chariot race.
 Quite the hairdo on this lady. And an amazing piece of sculpture
This statue is missing pieces, but it is a wounded warrior and he is trying to pull an arrow out of his back.
 Geoff at the Getty Villa.
 Someone important.
A muse. She looks like she is musing.

The outside amphitheatre at the Villa. You can see the ocean in the background. A cool place! Free to get in, you just have to go on line and make a reservation.


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