Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oatmeal, how do I love thee

I find it interesting that even now my food tastes can change. There are several things I like now, that I didn't like as a child. Raw onions, canteloupe, zucchini, etc. I have always liked oatmeal. For some reason, in the last couple of months, I have fallen in love with oatmeal. I don't know why. I can't eat it when I am being strict on my diet. And I covet it when I can't. And now, I seem to have found all kinds of fancy ways to eat it. Here is a list of some of them:
1. Brown suar, raisins and cinnamon
2. dried apricots
3. Carrot cake (grated carrots, coconut, raisins and cinnamon)
4. Pumpkin Pie (pumpkin puree, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg)
6. Chocolate (put in a packet of instant cocoa)
7. Peanut butter and jelly ( one of my favorites!)
8. maple syrup
9. blueberry syrup and blueberries
10. apples and cinnamon
11. Peaches
12. Granola
And seriously, I really like it the more rustic type of oats the better. I like the steel cut Irish oats from Trader Joe's. The hospital cafeteria makes great oatmeal in the mornings. It's definately not the quick cooking kind. And oatmeal is a whole grain and high in fiber, so it's good to add to your diet.
Do hoe fo you like your oatmeal? And is there a food you like now that you didn't used to?


  1. I just had some oatmeal for breakfast. I really like steel cut oatmeal too and it is really good at La Grande Orange with brown sugar and bananas. I tried the McDonald's oatmeal the other day and it's surprisingly good. Who knew? It comes with white raisins, craisins and chopped red and green apple chunks. It's 7 points on weight watchers, which is not bad for a whole meal. (I get like 47 points a day so that is pretty good). I used to hate it when I was growing up!

    I am much less picky about food than I was when I was young. And I'll try things even if I think I maybe don't like them. I've learned to love foods that I never even tasted as a kid. For instance, I adore feta cheese and I'm not sure I would have even tasted that when I was younger, or liked it.

    I am always hopeful that my kids will get less picky. They are all picky in their own ways too so I get tired of trying to remember who hates mustard and who likes it and who hates pickles but one kid loves them. It's annoying!

  2. Those are good ideas. I think I'm going to make me some breakfast now.

  3. Berries!!! I <3 berries in my oatmeal. With fat free french vanilla coffee creamer in it. :)

  4. I, too, love, Love, LOVE oatmeal. Brown Sugar and oatmeal is my very favorite, but I also like to make it with sugar free hot cider mix and add diced apples. YUM!! -- And, in cookies!!

  5. always liked oatmeal, may try your pumpkin one!
