Saturday, April 2, 2011


I went on vacation this past week with my friend Lezlee and 2 of her kids. We had a really nice time and I'll do a series of shorter entries to cover it all. I wanted to do a seperate entry on her daughter, Jordan. Today is Jordan's 14th birthday. Happy Birthday Jordie girl!
Jordan made me laugh a lot on the trip. Sometimes she was trying to make us laugh and sometimes she was just funny.  I wrote a few of her comments down.
Jordan- "What is the name of this city again?"
Lezlee-"San Luis Obispo"
Jordan-"San Luis Bismo? Come on Mom, tell me what it really is."

Jordan wakes up from a nap. We are on an 11 hour drive to central California. "Are we there yet? What have you guys been DOING!?"

Jordan-"Dad has texted me 14 times already to see if we are there yet. He says he is paying me back for all the times I've asked him if we are there yet."

Jordan-"So how far is it? I saw you do the finger thing on the map Mom and your fingers got bigger every time you moved them. So how far is a finger thing?"

Here is Jordan taking a turn being the captain of the electric boat we rented and drove around in Morro bay.
She's a delightful girl!


  1. awwww-I love sharing a special day with that special girl! she's pretty fabulous!

  2. How could you not love a vacation that involves Jordan! We love that girl!
