My garden is still doing well. Not everything works out as planned. Between surprizes in the weather (freeze), marauding pets and so on.
This is a photo of my quick harvest before church this morning. My tomatoes are just starting to come on. I have LOTS of green tomatoes. I hope they all live to ripen. I seem to have some competition for harvesting them from my dog, Winston. I have caught him in the middle of my bed eating green tomatoes, three times now. Sigh. Not much I can do about it.
I have also gotten my first zucchini as you can see. I seem to have a "failure in pollinators" for anything in the squash and melon families. I have been trying to do as I was told at the nursery and take a male flower and use it to pollinate the female flowers. The only problem is that I don't always have male and female flowers open at the same time. But I ate my first zucchini today and it was great!
I love the flowers. They stay beautiful for more than a week after I cut them and bring them in.

Here is a view of most of the garden. It's mostly tomatoe jungle. I also have some garden out of view behind this area and some in front that you can't see. The spinach has just finished. I have one chard left. The beets are done. I still have some carrots. I was too agressive in using my cilantro and killed it off. Need to plant some more. My dill and parsley are quite healthy. My basil is coming on, I hope. My very healthy basil got killed off in the freeze this last January. I have several other things developing. I have my own little intensive gardening method. Little space lots of plants. Seems to mostly work.

My little japanese eggplants are setting fruit. They don't get much bigger than about 4 inches.

Bell Peppers starting. All very yummy!
That is an AWESOME AZ garden Suzanne!
Wonderful, lots of joy in one's own garden! Hope all turns out well!
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