Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jewelry Shadowbox Project

Ok, I have been busy the last few days.  This is my next Martha Stewart inspired project. I made these as gifts. You buy a shadow box and remove the glass. Easy right? Well, unlike a regular frame, the glass is held in place with glued and screwed in molding strips. Tiny screws. Any way, I got it out. They were darker wood and I wanted white to go with the paper on the back, so then I spray painted them white.
Then she said to cover the back with wall paper scrap. I don't even know where to get wall paper these days. Home Depot only had contact paper, so that is what I used. Probably easier anyway. Then you put in cup hooks to hold jewelry that you would like to display and there you go! It will hang on the wall and not be in the way.

I made two different sizes. Kind of fun, I think.

1 comment:

  1. So "Miss Martha", interesting! They look nice!
