Monday, June 13, 2011

Brazilian Book Club

I'm hosting book club tonight. There are enough of us that it only comes around once or twice a year. I chose River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey. It is about an exploration trip he took on a tributary of the Amazon in Brazil. It's quite the story.
If I can find a way, I love to try and tie the food into the story. So they were always trying to find Brazil nuts. I mail ordered them, but there are some roasted, salted brazil nuts on the table. Pineapple and coconuts were very rare, but I have grilled pineapple (yum yum yum) and a coconut cream pie.
The rest is mostly from my garden, so I guess maybe "found" food? And then some meatballs and dip just to round it out.
Looking forward to everyone coming over and discussing the book!

1 comment:

  1. I think they will all be spoiled! The book sounds interesting!
