Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Things Around the House that I Love!

My friend Lezlee is really into decorating and has a great eye. My house isn't decorated as formally as some or necessarily in an all encompassing style. But there are a lot of things around the house that I love. Lezlee has told me that a lot of times that if you just have things you love around you that somehow it can often work.
When I was visiting family in Idaho this summer, we stopped at a second hand store that had a ton of stuff. I think it was called Hidden Treasures. I found this little ceramic dog there for a buck. He reminds me of my dog Winston, except that Winston is black and white. But the whole, ears flying, running thing, reminds me of him. As I have been looking at him since I came back, I keep thinking how much I love him. That's what started me thinking about writing this blog. I thought, what else do I really love around here?

For some reason, I love rocks, mineral specimans and fossils. Here is some of them. I recently contemplated getting rid of them. Not quite yet, can't do it.

Okay, so these are really messy shelves, but they are my "to read" shelves. I LOVE to read and love that I never run out of something to read. Therefore, messy or not, I love them! They aren't on public view either.
I have a small collection of fetishes. I'm not really into the meanings behind them, I just think they are kind of cool and so "love" them.

This is a Zuni seed pot. Supposedly they would put the seeds in the pot and seal it up. When it was time to plant, they would break the pot and use the seeds. I doubt they were ever this decorative. I bought this at a Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico. I love the lizard and frogs on it.

I recently painted my bathroom. I love the new color. I also love my hotel style towel rack, that I have had for years. Especially since I got rid of a lot of the extra towels I had on it. Too many.

And I LOVE my new shower curtain. It just makes me happy.

I love my deep soaking tub. It could have been made better, but it's still pretty awesome.

Years ago, my friend Robin, gave me this recipe holder. It's very convenient to use and I love it!

I recently bought some french grey sea salt from Penzies. I didn't used to think I could really tell much difference between sea salt and any other salt. But somehow this salt is different and I am loving it. I also was looking for something to put it in and decided to use this jam jar that my friend Cecelia gave me years ago. It works great and I love it too.

I love my kitchen tools. I love to cook and having the tools handy and where I need them is awesome.

I have some things on the wall where you come into my condo from my travels. It's fun to see them as I go in and out. They remind me of places I've been and things I've done.

Did I say I love rocks? Another pile on the sofa table/credenza.

I did this watercolor in June. I'm not an accomplished artist in any sense, but I love this one.

My friends, Bob and Lynne, gave me this little dish for Christmas. I moved it to photograph it, but I keep it next to my chair and it's awesome to hold my crochet or needle working supplies when I am watching tv. I love it!
There are more things I love, but didn't want to get too crazy. What do you love around your house?

1 comment:

  1. It is fun sometimes to take stock of what you love. I might do that around here sometime for a blog. I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with things you love! BTW, I love that little dish from Bob & Lynne, soooo great!
