Friday, October 7, 2011


One of the challenges I have had with my garden is with my squash/melon/cucumber family. Apparently whatever it took to pollinate them, I didn't have. Which led to  my whole story of being locked out in the backyard, naked with a paintbrush, trying to pollinate the squash. (That's a whole other story. If you want to know more details, you will have to go back in time in my blog about 1.5 to 2 years) I didn't know what was supposed to be pollinating them that I didn't have. My tomatoes, eggplant, okra, etc all seemed to do fine. I tried looking up on line to see what pollinated them and couldn't find it. All I could find was how to try and pollinate them yourself.
I have been delighted to discover bees in my backyard recently, all over my squash and zucchini! I didn't realize until I saw them, that I hadn't been seeing them before. I don't know if it's because I live in the middle of a big city or the disease that has been plague them, but I haven't seen bees in my yard in a long time.
I can't believe how happy they make me. I'm not sure where they are coming from, but I hope they have found a nice place for a hive in the neighborhood and they stick around. I know a lot of people are afraid of bees, but as a gardener, they make me happy. I wonder if they have found a foreclosed house's yard to live in? Or maybe somewhere between the noise wall and our property wall? I just know I want them to stick around.

The fruit of the bees labor.

Bees at work!


  1. I want to read the post about being locked out sans clothing! Send me the link to the post. I must have missed it!

  2. I really like bees too. I'm sure if I was allergic or something, it would be different. And I've been stung a few times in my life (but I think without exception, every time I had stepped on one barefoot). They don't really scare me and I don't freak out when I see them buzzing around. I have them in the back yard pretty frequently buzzing around the flowers and I like to see them. I think my dog Scout is allergic though because occasionaly she gets stung and her face gets really swollen. People usually suprise me when they freak out because there's a bee buzzing around. It's usually just fine. :)

  3. We should be just really glad to see them since, if they disappear as they seem to be doing, ALL of our food crops will be in dire trouble!
