Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Wierd Al Concert

The whole impetus for the trip to LA was the Wierd Al Concert at the Pantages Theatre. I had gotten an email advertising tickets back in August. I thought, that just sounds like a good time. I bought a single ticket for myself and planne to go, but started talking about it to see if anyone else was up for it. My friend Cindy jumped on the bandwagon. She bought a ticket up in the balcony and I was on the end seat of the second row.
The Pantages is an awesome theatre. It is really over the top Art Deco and old Hollywood. The Oscars used to be held there. I was afraid that cameras wouldn't be allowed and left mine at home. I wish I had brought it, because it was ok as long as you didn't use a flash or take video. I had to use my cell phone and it takes lousy pictures.
I have to say that the show really exceeded my expectations. He was very funny. He had a wardrobe change for every song. There were video clips and interviews. He did a whole segment just on food songs, La-la-lasagna, and my bologna. Very Funny.

Here he is dressed like a tour guide at the jungle cruise ride in Disneyland.

Party in the CIA.

There were flames all over this suit.

Perform this Way. Parody of Lady Gaga.

He did an encore of his Star Wars song to the tune of American Pie. It is hilarious.

And at the end of the show, the star wars guys were out front and you could get your photo taken with them.

I think I am taller than this star war guy.

Cindy took this photo at the beach earlier in the day.


  1. November at the beach in California! Recipe to "freezing self"! You were too young to remember when we lived in Anaheim and the Santa Ana winds came roaring thru!

  2. I bet it was "Weird" hilarious fun!!

  3. Even though you didn't have your good camera, you show how darn close you were sitting. I was sitting so far back I couldn't get a good picture with my camera or my phone. What a fun show that was.
