Thursday, December 29, 2011

Free Day

Several months ago, I read an article in the newspaper about freebies you could sign up for your birthday. I went on line and signed up for all of them. So this week I have been cashing in on them. I started off this morning at QT with a free cup of hot cocoa and a breakfast sandwich. These freebies weren't really for my birthday. They were for liking them on facebook or doing an email survey for them.
Then Lezlee and I went to a movie. I had a free movie ticket for doing a customer satisfaction survey for Walgreens. In the movie, I had a free popcorn voucher and was able to get a soda for a dollar with my Harkin's cup.
We met my friend, Cindy and her Father in law for lunch at Cucina Tagliani's. I had a free dessert from them for my birthday. That is one of my favorite places and I was part of their loyalty program for a long time. We had the pumpkin bread pudding split four ways. Perfect!
Then Lezlee and I went out on the Arab Horse Farm tour. Also free.
I had dinner with my friend Juanita. We went to Lone Star to use my free appetizer coupon for my birthday. Juanita then picked up the tab. That wasn't part of the plan, but it did fit with the theme of the day.
Then finally, I wanted to see Hugo before it left the theatres, so went to one more movie. I used a free movie ticket I had gotten from work.
Lots of free fun packed into one day!


  1. That's the way to do it!!!

  2. You are a very clever girl! Happy Birthday! You can send me a FREE note on FB :)

  3. And to think -- there are those who don't believe in feebies or discounts and won't use any coupons for anything! For shame to them! Free is FUN!
