Sunday, December 18, 2011

Other Fun things in Vegas

While in Vegas with Edith. We went to the aquarium at Mandalay Bay. I really enjoyed it,but my photos didn't turn out that great. Here are a few. Above is a Komodo Dragon. I had never seen one before, and apparently this is a younger guy because he is not as big as they get. They can get to 300 lbs!
This is a tree skink. He looks a lot like the Geico Gecko.
A Thai Crocodile.
And I love looking a t tanks full of jelly fish. They are pretty amazing to look at to me.
We also went to an art exhibit. We did a session at the Las Vegas Temple. That was really nice.
We went to two Cirque Du Soliel shows, Ka and Viva Elvis. Ka was my favorite and the Elvis one was Edith's favorite.

And we saw and ate a lot of amazing food!
I have to say, I don't think inexpensive food exists at the nice hotels anymore. The buffet at our hotel was 29$ for dinner and 17$ for breakfast. We didn't do that. We ate a couple of meals at our hotel, but other than that, we ate off the strip at regular places.

We had a grand time though. Lots to do even if you don't gamble! We even hit the outlet mall on the way out of town.


  1. Whatever happened to the cheap Las Vegas buffets? Your post made me hungry though.

  2. Amazing looking food!
