Friday, February 10, 2012

Aravaipa Canyon Feb. 2012

I enjoy hiking in Aravaipa Canyon. Today was the fourth time. And one of these times, we really are going to organize a through hike. What we have done instead every time, is hike 2 hours in and 2 hours out.
I was a little nervous today. It was pretty cold this morning and I knew we were going to have to get our feet wet. I was hoping we wouldn't be miserable. It was pretty freezing the first few times we waded across the stream, but then the day warmed up a little and it was just pleasant. I had gotten a permit for 6 people. I wanted my niece, Keegan, to see it. It was myself, Cindy H. and her daughter, Melanie, Keegan, Cindy T. and Paul I.

On other hikes here, we have seen quite a bit of wild life. We didn't today. This frog was all we really saw and there was some debate about whether or not he was actually alive. Great, I took a picture of a dead frog!

There seemed to be a lot of moss in the creek, more than we remembered. every time we waded, we came out with strings of moss hanging off of us. This is Cindy T.'s feet, incuding a burr on her sock.

The trees were just starting to leaf out. The sun through the leaves was very pretty.

Hiking up the creek.

Moss and water.

A lone poppy.

This was the view from the rest stop in Superior early this morning. Wasn't it beautiful? See the moon?

The group at the start, minus me the photographer. Cindy somehow found her paint pants to where. But the bonus was she found 10$ in the pocket, plus later when she fell in the mud, it wasn't as big of a deal. Three of us fell. I fell in the first 20 ft, landing on a rock. Cindy slipped in the mud and ended up covered in mud. Keegan slipped crossing and got wet up to her waist.

More flowers along the way.

Beautiful blue sky and white tree.

Everyone enraptured with Cindy's story telling skills.

Proof that I really was there.

Sometimes the path was better defined than others.

The view.

So the first thing I do when my friend falls in the mud is take a picture. Good thing she didn't take a picture when I fell.

Trying to get some of the mud off after the fall.

Melanie impersonating the little mermaid. See the mud still on Cindy?

Melanie with a jazzy pose.

Lunch break.

My lunch.


  1. Suzanne, you look pretty sassy in your hat. love it. I cannot believe how deep that mud is! Crazy.

  2. I live in Aravaipa Canyon - just started a web site and blog. Aravaipaviistas .com and visit my blog on the web site. Feb has been beautiful this year in the canyon. Enjoyed your photos and comments. Penny Walker

  3. Love your hat! May have to make that trip someday myself, i'm sure to be one who slips in the mud!
