Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Renaissance Festival

Keegan and I went to the Renaissance Festival this week. We were greeted by the King and Queen.

Sung to by several different groups.

Keegan practiced her archery.

We saw baby animals.

Numerous costumed participants.

A bullwhip show, which including setting it on fire and playing the harmonica at the same time.

Dancing girls.

Birds of prey show, including this red tailed hawk and african owl.

Purused the shops.

Watched the games like this king of the log or a pillow fight over straw.

When we were waiting for the jousting to begin this couple gave me a chuckle.

Saw a viking with a mean helment.

Our jousting champion.

We had a Johnny Depp sighting.

Fun day.


  1. It looks like a fun day. Wish I could have gone with you!

  2. Looked like great fun, I have always enjoyed going there
