Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This makes me soooo happy!

I have been dieting strictly since Jan. 1st. One of the things that can happen is extreme food boredom. Once upon a time I found some sugar free pickle relish at the 99 cent store. It was awesome. I could have tuna or egg salad and it tasted like regular stuff. A little touch of sweet. But it was an off brand that didn't make it anymore and I couldn't find it. I was in Fry's this week and found this! Iwas so excited. I bought two jars on the spot. They also have sugar free bread and butter pickles. I love bread and butter pickles! I am a happy girl. It's the simple things in life...

1 comment:

  1. Yea, thanks for the good news, I'll have to get some!
