Thursday, March 15, 2012

Food I can't eat

I have been carefully dieting since Jan. 1st. I have done well, but it's getting old. The longer I go in a dieting cyle, the harder it gets and the slower I lose weight. I am going on my diet break next week for 3 weeks. I am so looking forward to it. The last week has been especially rough. THREE major potlucks at work, a big Relief Society party, just to name a few reasons. Below is the ham and cheese stuffed bread I made for a work pot luck. I heard it was really good. Sigh. I may make one while I am on my break.
 This is the Stromboli bread that Imade for our Relief Society party. it is layered with ham, salami, cheddar and mozzarella cheese and roasted red peppers. Again, I've never made it before and I didn't get a single taste.
 Here is the table laden with food at our Relief Society function. I got to take a picture because I couldn't eat anything.
 This it the beautiful cake that Kristina made for the baby shower we had at work. It has blueberries all over it. I have a piece in the freezer for my break, but again I didn't get any of it. I also made a big batch of spinach and chicken enchiladas for the baby shower. The photo somehow didn't get here. I heard they were really good. I have some of those in the freezer too. Sigh. I can't wait for next week.

1 comment:

  1. Your will power is tremendously awesome!!!
