Saturday, September 15, 2012

Granite Dells Hike

Cindy and I went hiking on her birthday! Even though it's starting to cool off a little in Phoenix, it's still not cool enough for me to hike. So we went up to Prescott for the day. I have always liked the Granite Dells area near Watson Lake, but I had never hiked there. I was excited to get into the boulders. It was a really pretty area and there were some fun sights to see. The trail has some differing trerrain. There are some nice sturdy bridges in one place.

And we were often near the creek. Sometimes we walked over boulders. There are white spots painted on the boulders so you know where the trail is.

Our great monsoon rains this year have brought lots of pretty flowers.

 And yes, Iwas really there. most of my photos oare of Cindy's back. That's wht I am looking at most of the time. Cindy is always the point person.

More flowers

This is actually part of the Peavine trail near Watson Lake.

Watson Lake, with the Dells behind it.

Pretty canyons and rocks.

The trail goes along the creek here. The creek is covered in some plants and moss here. It was a bit stagnant because we were by the dam for the lake and it was a bit odiferous.

  This skinny little wire bridge was a bit scary for me. It bounced when you walked on it.
 The Dam.
 The bright algae/moss.
 More of what the trail was like.

This was the only place on the trail where you could see the lake. We dropped down below it after this point.

 Some of the view.

 There was a meadow at one point.

A few hills. It was a really nice trail. It took us just under two hours. We are slow hikers though. Or at least I am. We think it would be fun to bring some ladies from Church back to do this trail. Who wants to go?

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