Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Horton Springs Hike

I am still trying to get myself ready to be able to do the through hike of Aravaipa Canyon the end of October. So we went up near Payson and hiked to Horton Springs. None of us had been there before. It was a really pretty area.
There are lots of parallel and crossing trails, and so it's easy to get a little lost. You still wind up in basically the same place, but maybe by a slightly diffrerent path. We think we did 8 miles round trip. I was still the slowest by far, but I wasn't in as bad of shape as I was when we did the West Fork a month ago.

This is my friend Lynnora. She is coming with us to Aravaipa and came on this hike too.


The group except for me.

My neice and her dog Tanner.

There were lots of pretty waterfalls and swimming holes.

The spring comes out at the top of the rim.

The mouth of the spring, where it starts.

The only photo of me, with Cynthia.

Lynnora and Cynthia.


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