Friday, September 28, 2012

Trip to Oregon Coast

 When I visited my friend, Susan, we took an overnight trip over to the Newport area of the Oregon coast. There were lots of pretty sights along the was as well as there. There some covered bridges in Oregon. This one you can only use on foot now.
 This beautiful Belgian draft horse was pastured near the bridge. And this fun caterpiller was in the grass.
 Oregon grows lots of yummy food. It is a bit overwhelming when you come from such an arid climate as Arizona. We bought some corn, tomatoes and honey at this farm stand.
 And the forest is lush and thick. Moss grows on everything, including the trees.
 This is the pretty bridge over Yaquina bay.
 There were lots of noisy sea lions near where we stopped to get some shrimp cocktail.
 The views all the coast are always amazing. Even on a foggy day.

 Yummy clam choder and garlic toast for dinner.
 Fresh fish market where we got shrimp cocktails for 3.50.

 We stopped at Mossy Creek Pottery and I ended up with this fun bowl with a face. I love it!
 We also stopped at a glass blowing studio. Susan had him custum make her a pendant lamp. I will do a separate entry on that. It was cool to watch him work.
 I love how trees grow on trees.

 This is an organic farm stand we stopped at.

 More farm stand photos.
 This guy was clamming.
 Buffalo raised for meat.
 Susan's dog Skippy came along and supervised all the activities.
 Oregon pioneer memorial in Salem.

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