I went to the State Fair today. I had invited several different people, but it didn't work out for any of them to go. So I went by myself. I am surprized how much I enjoyed myself.I didn't bother with any of the rides or games. I looked at some of the crafts, exhibits and animals. Walked through where they were selling stuff. Got some fair food and left. Today was opening day. I was surprized at how crowded it was. They had a special deal for admission and it was in the 70's. I am sure that had something to do with it.
Lots of photos.
First I looked at quilts and afghans. Here are some of the ones I liked best. Above is an unual Christmas quilt. There were quite a few Arizona themed quilts, since this year is our centennial.

Jeans pocket quilt.


There was a lot of detail on this Arizona themed quilt.

Pretty, poppies around the edge.

These were all food prints. The green are lettuce or cabbages.

Some of the clothes that were entered.

I liked the little birds on the edge of this quilt.

Really nice appliqued bunnies.

Dogwood blossoms.

This crocheted afghan was this ladies original design. She did an awesome job.
This one was amazing. Appliqued flowers on top of the quilt.

Pepe le Peuw.

Butterfly quilt made from vintage handkerchiefs.

This peacock quilt is not only beautiful, it has some amazing stitching.

Just really pretty.

Sock monkeys are fun.

There is definately sensory overload at the fair. Lots of colors, noises, people, smells and flashing lights. I liked how these fruit drinks looked.

Turkey legs cooking smelled great.

This was supposed to be one of the better rides for grown ups. I didn't have any inclination to try it.

Some of the midway.

Of course there are some animals. Not as many as there used to be when I was a kid. This is a view inside part of the kiddie petting zoo. This is an adorable baby burro. They had way too many people inside the petting zoo. Lots of goats. I think the animals couldn't help but be stressed out. There were some animals that were nursing babies. I think that could be trouble for the mothers and babies.

This wallaby was fenced off into a corner of the petting zoo. She was huddled into the very corner trying to stay away from everyone. She had a baby that was nursing. It crawled into her pouch afterwards.


Baby goats

Goats in the beauty spa.

I've never seen guinea pigs at the fair before.

There were lots of rabbits.

All different kinds.

This one was pretty funny looking.


21 day old chicks.
I had a strawberry Hawaiian Ice.

This ride was supposed to be a lot of fun for kids. They lay on their stomachs and it's like they were hang gliding.
I wasn't hungry when I saw this sign, but I would have been game to try it.
I bought this paper mache day of the dead lady for my Halloween display at home.

This isn't really asparagus. It's a cake entered into the decorating contest!

A fun house and farm in the contest.

This rattlesnake is a cake!

This sub sandwich is a cake!

This is my fair food. I just had a regular hotdog.I wanted onion rings, but the booth I was at only served huge portions for multiple people. I talked them into selling me a smaller portion of onion rings. I didn't get them all eaten.
The have a zip line this year. It costs 20 dollars to go sliding by above everyone. It's pretty funny, the ladies go by with their purses over their shoulders. The lady with the bag over her shoulder took it on the zip line.

Grill master.

Cute ride.
Sock Monkey's are a popular prize this year.

I have never tried any of the fried treats at the fair before. I decided to try it this year. These are two small fried reese's cups. I don't think I need to try any of those fried things anymore. My curiosity is satisfied and I didn't care for them.
My friends Beth and Jet always went to the fair a lot and enjoyed people watching. It really was quite interesting. I think I did more of that because I was on my own. It was remarkably enjoyable!
I'm sorry I couldn't go with you, it all looks fun. I think that sometimes doing things alone, we appreciate or see different things - or even sort of enjoy it more in some ways, than when we go with friends. I mean maybe not MORE, because obviously, it is fun to go with someone - but I find that there is this kind of relaxing experience in doing things alone sometimes because you can look at whatever you want and do whatever you want and eat whatever you want without having to coordinate someone else's wishes into the situation. :)
I should go to the fair by myself sometime. I love looking at all of the quilts and food entries. I really love the art and photography entries as well. Hubby and kids could care less about that stuff, so I would probably enjoy the fair a lot more without them!! Sounds like you had a good time.
Thanks for posting my Sub Cake on your blog! KM
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