Thursday, October 11, 2012

Paddling at Lake Pleasant

This morning, Lynnora, Cindy and I went to Lake Pleasant and rented Kayaks for a couple of hours. It was a cool day all of a sudden and we weren't sure we picked the right day for this. After we got out on the water and started paddling, we warmed up enough that we were quite comfortable.

Storm clouds across the lake.

Lynnora looking cute.

I was there too.

Towards the end of the time, the clouds cleared mostly, and it got a little warmer. Just in time for us to get out and go to lunch. It was fun and much closer than some of the other places I have had to go to paddle around! Scorpian Bay Marina is the one that rents Kayaks. I'm thinking it's about time to rent a pontoon boat again. Love a day at the lake!

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