Monday, February 11, 2013

First Impressions of Catalina

My friend, Cynthia and I went on a nice trip to Catalina recently. I had never been and was really looking forward to it. We were able to stay 4 nights. We got a fabulous deal by going off season. Our hotel rate included our ferry ride. We left Sunday night and this was our line to get on the ferry. Not too many people! Of course we were traveling in the middle of the super bowl, that might have had something to do with it.

We left from Long Beach and I see the Queen Mary. I have never done the tour of that either. Another time! Good bye to Long Beach.

 This cute guy rode over on the ferry with us. This photo makes me laugh every time I see it. He has one blue eye and one brown.
 As we arrive in Avalon on Catalina, this is what we see. What is not to like!
 Our hotel, the Glenmore, is the oldest still operating. We got a workout going up and down to the 3rd floor every day. No elevators. But our room was nice. We did have to call a couple times to make sure housekeeping visited our room. Other than that, no complaints. The manager even went to the grocery store the first night and brought me back a 2 liter bottle of Diet Pepsi. And then just gave it to me. Nice!
The large white building is the Casino. It's not a casino as we are used to thinking of it and never has been. It's a theatre and ballroom and museum. It's pretty awesome. I will write about it in a separte post.

 Our first morning! Some marine fog and sunshine both. As we walked over to go kayaking, we passed the Tuna Club. Catalina claims to have really started/invented sport fishing. This club has been here since the late 1880's.
 Cindy on vacation!

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