Saturday, February 16, 2013

Inland Catalina tour

So my photos seem to have loaded backwards. We took a tour in an open Hummer. We hoped to see a lot of wildlife. We didn't really, and it was miserably cold for a part of the trip. We stopped for lunch at the Airport in the Sky, Catalina's airport. We saw this hummer having lunch too.

I don't know what kind of tree this was all in bloom, but it was really pretty.

 Gloves, scarf, hat, jacket. Not enough to keep us warm.

 After looking and looking for bison, we finally saw this one guy on our way back. Our trip was redemmed for me.
Another pretty tree in bloom.

Inland area, near the eagle sanctuary. They have a bald eagle and golden eagle that were injured and so can't live in the wild.

The island was evacuated during world war II. There were fears the Japanese would use it as a staging area to invade the states. Here are some of the bunkers they left.

 We did see some pretty ocean views on the back side of the island, after the morning fog cleared.

Cindy enjoying? the ride.

 Us and the Hummer.

 Morning views.

Our view between the people sittting in front of us.

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